Effect of each planet on Astrology in your Birth & Transit chart.
Effect of each planet on Astrology in your Birth & Transit chart.
Each Planet play an important role in predictions based on Ashtakavarga. Let's understand the meaning of each planet and what it indicates.
Based on Bar chart in Astrological predictions provided by Ashtakavarga, let's try to understand how to interpret the results. You can make your own Predictions bar chart for Free on https://app.shilaavinyaas.com
Sun is responsible for Soul, Behavior, Atma Shakti(Will Power). We also look father or father like person from Sun. Karaka for fame & recognition is also looked upon from Sun.
Profession represented by Sun are Government office, administrative work & political powers, etc.
More Points: Sun gives cheerful mood, victory over enemies, high status, health and wealth
Less Points: Loss of Wealth, Diseases mentioned below, Separation from family, displeasure from government
Health problems caused by Sun are: Weak eyesight, headache, issues in blood circulation, Blood pressure, Dental problems, Heart problems, Weak immune system & fractures and baldness
Moon is responsible for mind, stability. We also look Mother or Mother like person from Moon. Karaka for happiness & wealth is also looked upon from Moon.
Profession represented by Moon are People management, healers, Business in Sea products and Liquid products & Milk products, etc.
More Points: Moon gives — wealth, good food, bedroom comforts, clothing, friendship, association with opposite sex, joy, happiness, prosperity and good health
Less Points: Moon gives - Diseases mentioned below, fear, troubles of all sorts, loss of wealth and health, disturbance of peace of mind, domestic unhappiness, laziness and jealousy
Health problems caused by Moon are: Sleep disorders, lethargy, drowsiness, lung problems, mouth problems, neurological disorders, digestive issues, diseases related to uterus, ovaries. Frequent cough, cold, fever, anemia & general weakness
Through Mars, we see Muscle power & capabilities. Yoga of becoming land/Property owner is also looked upon by Mars. Elder brother or similar person & relation with them is looked upon by Mars. Courage, authority, ability to do work & sexual power is also looked upon by Mars.
Profession represented by Mars are: Police forces, Military Operations, Chemist, Engineers, Surgeons, etc.
More Points: Mars gives — Authority, success over enemies, victory, lands, wealth, enjoyments etc.
Less Points: Mars gives — Diseases mentioned below, Quarrels, exchange of hot words, loss of wealth/position (4th house), misunderstanding with wife.
Health problems caused by Mars are: Fractures, inflammations, skin rashes, ulcers, operations, all sorts of acute complaints, fevers, epilepsy, mental issues, tumors, cancer in the muscular parts of the body, inability to tolerate hunger, wounds, burns, accidents, Blood, thalassemia, chest, nose, gall bladder, bile, bone marrow, red blood cells, etc. It causes brain disorder, itching, blood clotting, female genital diseases, knee problems, etc.
Mercury is responsible for Education, Friends. Karaka for Speech, recreation and concentration in studies is also looked upon from Mercury.
Profession represented by Mercury are: trading, accountants, mathematician, Journalist, publishers, doctors, etc.
More Points: Mercury gives — wealth, prosperity, honor, good character, happiness, friendship with good people
Less Points: Mercury gives — Diseases mentioned below, Loss of wealth, wicked speech, dishonor, grief, loss of position, dull intellect
Health problems caused by Mercury are: Bladder, bronchial tube, gastric juice, digestion, intestines, lungs, tongue, mouth, hands, and arms, lower part of abdomen, skin, mind and nervous system, Asthma, diseases of respiratory canal, psychic diseases, insomnia, nervous breakdown, epilepsy, skin diseases, impotence, loss of memory or speech, vertigo, deafness, disorders of intestines, etc
Through Jupiter in Ashtakavarga we can see Wisdom, morality, Son, Wealth(for example person may earn throughout life but during certain period he might accumulate lot of wealth.)
Profession represented by Jupiter are: Teachers, gurus, astrologer, judges, ministers, etc.
More Points: Jupiter gives — Wealth, prosperity, children, royal favor, association with noble persons, domestic happiness, knowledge, lands, houses, marriage, promotion
Less Points: Jupiter gives — Diseases mentioned below, loss of wealth, disgrace, expenditure, loss of position, change of place, domestic unhappiness, death, imprisonment, accidents (8th house) separation
Health problems caused by Jupiter are: Liver, kidneys, pancreas. Excessive fat gain, fatty liver, heart tumor, asthmas
Through Venus in Ashtakavarga we can see desires, Spouse, love affairs, Marriage, materialistic life & Pleasures, luxury, Association with female, Vehicles, comforts in house, Personality, attractions
Profession represented by Venus are: Actors, singers, musician, Software Engineers, etc.
More Points: Venus gives — Luxury, perfumes, dress, enjoyments, marriage, children, wealth, prosperity, domestic happiness, pleasure trips, fame, land, houses
Less Points: Venus gives — Diseases mentioned below, debt, disgrace, litigation, losses, evils from women, ill health of wife.
Health problems caused by Venus are: direct impact on the throat, throat glands, face, cheeks, urine problems, ovarian cysts, inability to have sexual relation or weakness of sexual organs, Kidney stone, cataract etc. A very weak Venus can also cause impotency.
Through Saturn in Ashtakavarga we can see lifespan, Sorrow (less sorrow or more sorrow, at what age), Shock, fear, theft, imprisonments, way of living Life, impediments in life & our attitude towards life. It also gives the ability to work hard and sacrifice the material pleasures. Saturn being the significator for profession, we should see 10th & 11th house Sarvashthaka points from Saturn also apart from Birth chart.
Profession represented by Saturn are: Iron Industry, labors, mining, Judge, etc.
More Points: Saturn gives — Wealth, servants, land, pleasures, victory, permanent job, leader of masses, marital happiness, honors
Less Points: Saturn gives — Diseases mentioned below, health, death, fire, enemies, journey to distant places, separation from relatives, miseries, loss of wealth, obstructions, delay, imprisonment calamities, grief.
Health problems caused by Saturn are: Legs, bones, muscle, teeth, hair, physical weakness, joint pain, arthritis, gastric problems, fear complex, Ear problem etc.
Having understand the meaning of each planet, Let's try to understand How to read the current prediction with bar chart.
The Bar chart is represented by color Green to red and mixture of both.
Green represents full positivity whereas Red represent full negativity and shades in between represent the stages in between them.
Self Positive means, currently on a given day, Planet is in given kaksha of house which are favorable and giving positive results.
Self Negative means, currently on a given day, Planet is in given kaksha of house which are not favorable and giving negative results.
Similarly, every planet in solar system influences other planet. On a given day if planet is influencing other planet positive or not determine our transit result.
While Reading bar chart, to understand if Planet is self-positive or not, move the mouse to a planet on given day. The Tooltip that appears clarifies the same.
The two-horizontal line in bar chart represent today's date.
In the example below, let's say we want to see how my day WRT Knowledge gain or Wisdom will be. From the above reading we know, for this we need to check Jupiter and the color represented by Jupiter. Let's say we want to see predictions for 28th of the month. So we can see on 28th although Jupiter is not self-positive but other planets are influencing it positively. so we can be partial positive.
Let's say I have some work with my elder brother. Or I want to visit Police station. Here we see on 28 Mars is red. Hence the work will not be accomplished today.
Similarly, let's say we want to see our mind stability on 28th, we can see its mostly Red, that means we might easily get anger or lose our control or may have lots of thoughts running.
Another important point to understand that each Zodiac Sign of 30 degree is divided in 8 kaksha. so each kaksha will be effectively 3.75 dec degree or 3 deg 45 min.
Now Saturn takes approx. 30 Years to complete one cycle which means in given sign of 30 deg, Saturn will stay approx. for 2 and half years or approx. 30 months. So to cross one Kaksha, Saturn will take approx. 3 and half months. So, if Saturn becomes Self negative, then it will be negative for nearly 3 and half months. Similarly, if Saturn becomes positive then it will stay positive for 3 and half months.
Similarly, Jupiter takes approx. 12 years for 1 revolution which means it will stay in one sign for 1 Year. and in 1 kaksha it will be 12 months/8 kaksha = 1 and half months.
whereas moon completes one revolution in approx. 28 days. so it will stay in 1 sign for 28/12 = 2 and half days. which means in a given kaksha moon will stay for 2.5 days/8 = ⅓ of day. So in given day moon will cross 3 kaksha and so results of moon for given day can have multiple color or Multiple mood swing.
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