The Birth of Vastu Purusha Mandala

To understand the concept of Vastu Shastra, one must need to understand Vastu Purush and the 45 Energy Fields of Vastu Purush Mandal present in any place where human lives

By Dr. Vinaayak Singh | January 26, 2023 | 0 Comments

Stage 01: Generation of Brahma energy Field in Vastu

When the foundation stone is laid & construction work starts the core energy field starts developing. In Vastu, we call it Brahma energy. At the time of creation, the color of this energy field is reddish Golden. Once the energy is completely developed, i.e. After completion of the building, it turns white color. This center also known as navel(naabhi)

By Dr. Vinaayak Singh | January 26, 2023 | 0 Comments