The Houses “Govern” all the events of our lives. There are two main factors that control each person's life.
1. Past Karmas. Based on this Past Karmas, our time of birth is decided & the position of Planets at time of our Birth becomes the Blueprint. This is called static definition of our lives which are meant to happen based on our past karma.
2. Present Karmas. Based on Karmas we perform irrespective of any situation, we have the ability to change our destiny. This is a dynamic definition that we can create. However, this requires a very positive spirit & high discipline.
When we understand our static definition, i.e. When we come to know of possible trouble ahead in our life then by our present karmas, we can reduce or nullify the intensity of that trouble. This power we have. But again, as said, this requires very high discipline & positive thoughts and trust in our inner self & supreme power.
The houses are defined based on rule as below:
Below image gives Brief Description of 12 houses.

At the time of Birth, if we look directly East and point our hand to the Eastern Horizon, we are pointing to the 1st house. Directly opposite it is the 7th house.
Directly over our head is the 10th house. This is straight up into space where high noon Sun beams down on us.
In this Blog, we will see the role of each house very briefly. To understand your transit, you can follow the following steps.
1. Log into our app
2. After entering your correct birth details in the Astrology section, go to yearly or monthly predictions. See your chart. On a given time, it will show the strength of each planet. To understand role of each planet and its impact in our life you can check our blog Interpreting meaning of Planets in Asthakvarga Predictions Based on whether planet is positive or negative you will understand what are the positive things or negative things that can happen to you.
3. Now to narrow down this list, you can check the house in which that planet is currently transiting. And from below you can see the capabilities of each house. Now the planet's characteristics overlap with the house. Whichever is common is bound to happen.
Now, let's look at the functionality of each house.
The 12 Houses of Astrology
Understanding meaning of each house and the effect it can give.
First house (Tanu Bhava - House of self)
First house controls our physical appearance, general personality traits , Body, appearance, personality, face, Health & immunity, character, temperament, intellect, longevity, fortune, honor, dignity, prosperity, Childhood period of our life, Strength, looks and sexual appeal, Our happiness and interests also reveal expected mishaps and misfortunes
Also seen as part of: Kendra Houses(1-4-7-10), Trine Houses(1-5-9)
Body parts associated with 1st house: Head, upper facial region and body in general
Relation to look from 1st house: Yourself
Activities in 1st House are: All activities that occur in the present moment i.e., breathing continuously, digesting food etc.
Second house (Dhan Bhava - House of Wealth)
Second House controls our Wealth, family, speech, right eye, nail, tongue, nose, teeth, ambition, food, imagination, power of observation, jewelry, precious stone, unnatural sex, loss by cheating, and violence between life partners. Second house also indicates issues of greed, financial hardship or low self-worth.
Also seen as part of: Artha Houses (2-6-10), Maaraka Houses (2-7-8)
Body parts associated with 2nd house: Face, mouth and sense organs
Relation to look from 2nd house: Family, Close Friends or family like people
Activities in 2nd House are: Activities that give us pleasure in the moment and make us feel connected. Talking and socializing with relatives and friends are all indicators of 2nd house activities.
Third house (Parakrama Bhava - House of Courage)
Third House controls our Younger brother and sister, cousins, relatives, neighbors, courage, firmness, valor, right ear, hands, short journeys, nervous system, communication, writing- editing books, reporting to newspaper, education, intellect. 3rd house can also help us attain higher levels of achievement
Also seen as part of: Upachaya Houses (3-6-10-11), Kama House(3-7-11)
Body parts associated with 3rd house: Neck, arms, shoulders, collar bone, upper chest, ears, breathing canal and hands
Relation to look from 3rd house:Siblings, co-workers and peers
Activities in 3rd House are: Writing, games, athletics, fun and stimulating activities, pursuing interests and initial stages of learning
Fourth house (Sukh & Matru Bhava - House of Mother & happiness)
Fourth House controls our Mother, conveyance, relative, domestic environment, treasure, land, house, education, landed property, hereditary tendencies, later portion of life, hidden treasure, private love affairs, chest, interference in married life by partners-in laws and family, ornaments, clothes
Also seen as part of: Kendra Houses(1-4-7-10), Moksha House(4-8-12)
Body parts associated with 4th house: Chest, breast and lungs
Relation to look from 4th house:Mother and other mother like nurturing persons
Activities in 4th House are: activities that connect to our emotional state or where we connect with others emotionally -- things such as meditation, cooking, serving food, watching television and therapy.
Fifth house (Santaan & gyaan Bhava - House of Children & Knowledge)
Fifth House controls our Progeny, intelligence, fame, position, stomach, creativity, love affairs, children, pleasures, amusements, speculation, past birth, soul, position in life, artistic talent, heart and back, proficiency in games, success in competition. Also considered the House of Luck.
Also seen as part of: Trine Houses(1-5-9)
Body parts associated with 5th house: Stomach, pancreas, spine, upper and lower back
Relation to look from 5th house: Children, romantic partners, students, artists, creative partners, and others we love and adore
Activities in 5th House are: When we express our heart’s desire, we act through the 5th house. Creating art, teaching or learning what you love, romancing your beloved, giving an astrology reading or healing session
Sixth house (Rog & Shatru Bhava - House of Enemy & diseases)
Disease, debt, disputes, miseries, injuries, maternal aunt or uncle, enemies, service, food, clothes, theft, ill fame, pet animals, subordinates, tenants, waist. 6th house also tests the power of your love.
Also seen as part of: Upchaya Houses(3-6-10-11), Artha House(2-6-10), Dustaana House(6-8-12)
Body parts associated with 6th house: Stomach, intestines and digestive tract
Relation to look from 6th house:Competitors, distant relatives, employees, beings that we control such as pets.
Activities in 6th House are: Paying bills, performing menial jobs, spending money, fighting and arguing, sacrificing happiness.
Seventh house (Kalatra Bhava - House of Spouse)
Spouse, personality of Spouse, relations between life partners, desires, partnership, open enemies, recovery, journey, litigation, danger to life, influence in foreign countries and fame, relations between self and public, sexual or urinary disease. Everything related to marriage is ruled by this house.
Also seen as part of: Kendra Houses (1-4-7-10), Kama Houses (3-7-11), Maaraka Houses(2-7-8)
Body parts associated with 7th house: Kidneys, lower back, lower pelvic area
Relation to look from 7th house: Spouse, Romantic partners, Business Partner and other people we are in partnerships with
Activities in 7th House are: Sexual relations, business negotiations, diplomacy, enjoyable conversations with others, debates and tolerance
Eighth house (Aayu & Kastha Bhava - House of Longevity)
Eighth House controls Longevity, kind of death, sexual organs, obstacles, accident, unearned wealth, inheritance, legacy, will, insurance, pension and gratuity, theft, robbery, worries, delay, battles, enemies, inheritance of money, mental affliction, extramarital life. It essentially transforms our insecurities into strengths addresses financial and physical support as well as emotional and spiritual support.
Also seen as part of: Moksha Houses (4-8-12), Dustaana Houses (6-8-12) & Maaraka Houses (2-7-8)
Body parts associated with 8th house: Reproductive system, genital area, private parts and colon area
Relation to look from 8th house: Those we are afraid of losing; those we fear in general; those we can’t control; the astrologer, hypnotist, therapist, insurance agent, a killer
Activities in 8th House are: Strengthening our deep insecurities, hypnotherapy, counselling, exorcism, transformative work, death
Ninth house (Bhaagya Bhava - House of Luck)
Ninth House controls our Fortune, religion, character, grand parents, long journey, grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wife's younger brother, brother's wife, visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits. Shows the good karma performed in the past life.
Also seen as part of: Trine Houses(1-5-9), Moksha House(4-8-12)
Body parts associated with 9th house: Reproductive system, colon area, thighs, rear end
Relation to look from 9th house: Teachers, gurus, priests, lawyers, advisers, experts of any sort and father
Activities in 9th House are: Teaching, learning, preaching, chanting mantras, making sacred offerings are all part of 9th house activities.
Tenth house (Karma Bhava - House of Career)
Tenth House controls our Fortune, religion, character, grandparents, long journey, grandson, devotion towards elders and god, spiritual initiation, dreams, higher education, wife's younger brother, brother's wife, visit to holy places, philosophy, communication with spirits. governs your public image, career achievements, social status, reputation and fame.
Also seen as part of: Kendra Houses(1-4-7-10), Upachaya House(3-6-10-11), Arth Houses(2-6-10)
Body parts associated with 10th house: Knee and thighs
Relation to look from 10th house: Your boss, leaders, powerful persons, those with authority such as your father
Activities in 10th House are: Doing your duty, leading, assigning tasks to others, meeting your obligations, enduring public discord
Eleventh house (Laabh Bhava - House of Income & gains)
Eleventh House controls our Gains, prosperity, fulfillment of desires, friends, elder brother, ankles, left ear, advisers, favorites, recovery of illness, expectations, son's wife, wishes, success in undertakings reveals what we want in the highest sense. The desire to attend reunions
Also seen as part of: Upchaya Houses(3-6-10-11), Kama House(3-7-11)
Body parts associated with 11th house: Ankles, Skins and calves
Relation to look from 11th house: Famous people, public figures, celebrities, politicians, highly successful and wealthy people
Activities in 11th House are: Winning, accumulating wealth, influencing and affecting large groups of people, saving the world
Twelth house (Vyaava Bhava - House of Expenditure & losses)
Twelth House controls Harm, punishment, confinement, expenditure, donations given, marriage, work related to water resorts, vedic sacrifice, fines paid, sexual enjoyment outside wedlock, contacting sexually transmitted disease, weakness in sexual act, sleeping comforts, enjoying luxuries, loss of spouse, losses in marriage, termination of employment, separation from own people, long journeys, settlement in foreign land misery, waste, expenses, divine knowledge, sympathy, Moksha (final emancipation) and life after death. It is also the house of detachment. It is connected to fear, anxiety, misgivings, suspicion and inferiority complex. Solitude, secrets, silent sufferings and undoing of the self are all part of this house.
Also seen as part of: Moksha House(4-8-12), Dustaana houses(6-8-12)
Body parts associated with 12th house: Leg, feet, ankles, left eye
Relation to look from 12th house: People in dreams or fantasy, a baby in the uterus, a ghost, someone deprived of strength and power
Activities in 12th House are: Meditation, dreaming, sleeping, fantasizing, watching television, consuming drugs, isolation through sorrow or peace, travelling to a foreign country.
Classification of House
Houses Categories
Effects of houses
Trikona (Trine) or Kona or Auspicious houses
1, 5, 9
They are the most auspicious or Benefic houses. They give fortune, luck, bring spirituality and well-being if, unaffiliated.
Upachaya (Pratipas/Trika)
3, 6, 11
Upachaya means "improvement" and are considered auspicious. Life improves and gets better over time with these houses if, unaffiliated.
Dustasthana (Trikas) or Malefic houses
6, 8, 12
Trikas are the most in-auspicious or malefic and deal with suffering, ill health, disease, death, loss and sorrow. The rulers of these houses will inflict this type of suffering.
2, 4, 10
Bhoga are considered auspicious and deal with the pleasure and luxury in all respect such as Cars, furnished sweet home and other part of life.
1, 4, 7, 10
Kendra is considered auspicious. The planets in Angles give effects in ones boyhood.
2, 5, 8, 11
The effects of planets in Panapharas are felt in the middle age.
Apoklima (Cadent)
3, 6, 9, 12
The planets in Apoklima give result at the conclusion of the life, i.e. old age.
2, 7
Maraka means "killer". The rulers are considered the killer sometimes. They are prominent when death or injury occurs.
4, 10
The planets in Lakshmi gives home, happy life, conveyances, happiness, treasure, lands and buildings, heritage, real estate, good profession or livelihood or honour, living in foreign lands, reputation, business and social activities.
Vishnu (Abodes of Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth)
5, 9
The planets in Vishnu provide pleasures through children, love affairs and romance, knowledge, royalty & authority, long distance travel,
Comments 1
Manikishore garugu
నేను అద్దె ఇంట్లో నివసిస్తున్నాను. ఈ సంవత్సరం నా ఆదాయం సున్నా. నాకు చాలా అప్పులు ఉన్నాయి. నేను ఏ పని పూర్తి చేయడం లేదు. ఇంటీ ఓనర్ ఆడవాళ్ళే ఎప్పుడు ఏదో ఒక గొడవ . ఇంట్లో ఏదైనా హాని ఉందా? పరిష్కారం ఏమిటి?గృహ దోషం ఉందా